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Yoruichi's Past Time
I don't know if is because of the background but the heels doesn't fit on this picture not a bit...
9 Mar 2016 04:56
Flash God Fun Time
Creative. I like it.
9 Mar 2016 00:56
Modified to be Naughty
Nice picture Joe i don't know if my opinion count but it would be so much better if you had done only the below panel with she looking back and expression like above, this panel is awesome but, like you said well if was requested to be like that so be then speaking about it... you don't ought explanation to any member from where your requests came or which link was used and why the person requested to be like that, a request is a request it doesn't matter if the references came from the pixxxes, google or from other sites there are no rule preventing the artists to accept links from other sites so, if i were you, i would stop explaining from where your requests references comes. If you are afraid of something do not accept the requests then it's simple as that. I don't know why you guys waste your times explaining from where your references came or why. One more thing have you consider going to fairytail? if not think about it you/lexus have a considerable amount of requests there and the site is abandoned, fairytail could really use your help with some updates. You-Lexus-Aidan should spend some time there too once while if not the adminstrators could hire at least one new artist to place there. I pretty sure they have some requests from talented artist to join HK the point is...why won't they hire? i kinda know the answer.
8 Mar 2016 16:57
Rangiku's Anal Lessons
Before i leave my comment let me say those are nice pictures lexus. Though i never had one single picture done by Lexus i think Lexus, Joe and Robert do their schedule requests very well so this let's say 'new rule' admin giving artists their schedule requests to do would work better for the other artists. I never had any request made by rex and Darwin and i tried to ask the only one request i ever left to lexus has been deleted i haven't posted a new one because i hate crying for something that wasn't or will not be done if i repost it has 80% to be ignored, deleted or taken as spam. I try not to spam my requests when i do ask any it's one or two for diferente artists because i hate spam artists not only on this site but on any site so i act like that: I post my request once it's not done then i try again in case it's not be done i just give up and look for another place/site where it will be done whether here or other site. i currently have four pending requests for the pixxxes fanpixxx(Lexus), onepiece(that i'll repost), narutopixxx(rex and Darwin) and animepixxx(claudius) the ones from naruto and anime i gave up already because i know them will never be done and will be cheaper if i pay a private commission than keep renewing my subscription and keep reposting and bothering the artists. So to end this post i'd like to tell you guys if you see your requests are being ignored, skipped whatever complaint about it won't get the artists to do your requests the best solution is move forward to another site and not waste your times and breath. My advice is if you are on HentaiKey for requests try to find another site there are good ones it's better than keep wasting your cash and time. And believe me submit tickets to the support about deleted/ignored request is waste of time i do know what i'm talking about. They don't really care about your requests because ''the pixxxsites are a bonus when you join HK you are paying for the whole contente not the pixxx exclusively and the artists are not obliged to accept your suggestion'' this will probably what you'll get as answer about your request complaint.
7 Mar 2016 18:57
Rangiku's Anal Lessons
And i agree with you 100% percent they need stop favoring 'special members' we all pay the same for the subscription so why favor some and ignore others? members spamming thousand requests around sites to increase their chances of have more requests fulfilled is wrong and has to stop unfortunally there's nothing to prevent this happening. Two request at maximum is more than enough for the same person on different sites and if he had 1 or 2 requests fulfilled he should wait for another at least 2 months. But one thing is clear the administrators need to hire some new artists or at least place fixed ones for sites, if they don't want to merge sites all in one then please to keep the sites update in day bring new artists for god's sake, Fairytail-Sailormoon(semi-dead), Fanpixxx(so so) and so on. Narutopixxx as a main site should have at least 4 artists and it has half...if what Lexus said is true let's hope things change to better and stop this favouritism because as the things are going it seems the pixxxsites are here for special members. One more thing requests with more than 2 characters should be take 2 or more months to be done, why? 1- because orgy and gangbang takes time and are stressing,2- artists aren't paid enough to draw 5-6-8 more characters for the price of 2-3, commissions are charged per number of characters the more chars the higher the price and i believe HK WON'T be paying 80USD+ to the artist who draw orgy with 8 characters. If i'm not mistake HK pay for image regardless on how many characters has on it meaning: a picture with a single character worth the same value than a pic with 10 here, the artists specially Lexus, Aidan and Darwin accept those kind of requests because they are very nice people but they are not paid enough for that. So you guys who request 4-5-6+ characters should be real happy to have your requests fulfilled by them. Go to narutopixxx and send Rex a request with more than 4 characters..you'll die waiting for your request.
6 Mar 2016 21:30
Yoruichi's Past Time
Uh uh one more masterpiece from master lexus :D she look like asking for one more cock in pussy, loved the shoes, expression and position hey lexus i don't know if there will be time for you to read this before you add the stuff but just a suggestion...wouldn't be better looking if you move her hand nearest her pussy? it look like her vagina is 'spreading for itself' lol
6 Mar 2016 20:50
Rangiku's Anal Lessons
WOW this is awesome!!! the shoes and stocking suits perfectly with her costume and the background is very nice i loved the writtings on the blackboard lol. Nicely request dragonshiryu I think this would look better if she were spreading her pussy with both hands, any chance of a secondary version with this detail lexus? if not i'll request for ya latar :D
6 Mar 2016 20:43
Slutty Headmaster
Four stars ONLY?! O_O it should be 10 or a million ;p Thaaank you lexus my request came better than i expect and sooner than my two latest ones compared to the last almost four months i'm grate and glad you done everything is perfect here you did not miss a single thingie well done. You should use more polish nails and sexy clothing on your requests if they don't mind, it won't hurt to have a chick prettier and hotter than they are
6 Mar 2016 20:38
Slutty Headmaster
Thanks looking forward to my lovely Meiko :) you should spend more time on fanpixxx don't you get bored of drawing always bleach characters everytime? do something new and different will be better for your health too ha ha
6 Mar 2016 20:23
Rangiku's Anal Lessons
Hmm i see i hope they can find a solution to monitor how many requests every member are getting per month because some get less and other get more.The first thing they need to stop is members spamming requests around sites like 2-3 here for lexus/joe then 3 more for joe/lexus/aidan on fpixxx then more on opixxx for robert/lexus/ainda and so on. They should do something like 'if you sent a request to lexus here you cannot send another to him again on fanpixxx and other sites' this would put an end on the request spamming once and for all and also give the chance for other artist and members get their requests done. Because as the things are now alot people are getting their requests over and over again within a couple weeks while other keep waiting. There is no need favor anybody we all are paying the same ammount for the subscription. Well i really hope they can find a solution to make the site FAIR for everybody. One request per month per member on different/same site are more than enough. Sites needs more artists but FIXED artists to avoid overload their own artists. Specially naruto, fairytail and onepiece If this is true and the administrators are now in charge of giving the requests to the artists this is a big improvment i hope this finally put an end on comments like 'dsjkh is ignoring my requests' specially requests about fetishism, i have nothing against those requests them are everywhere, if a member request something about fetishism here and be rejected he'll just find another site to submit that request. You know i'm right, if somebody see he's not getting their requests fulfilled he'll quit and move to another site whether or not fetish this is fact.
6 Mar 2016 19:48
Rangiku's Anal Lessons
sry but you point of view seems to be very subjective sure if you are a member for a long time it will result in more of yur requests done over all but thats just fair because we don't just get a one month membership spam some requests and canel it afterwords like most here do and since you called my name: the last request from lexus was 1. November so if you think one request in 4-5 months is much i don't know what to say... aidan did one request for me in all my time as a member and rex last pic for me was in november too so the same people getting requests over and over again is bullshit we have to wait long enougth and your complain about whentai members: it is a complete diffrent site and we paid extra for every request you could have done the same but you didn't so stop complaining about the long time members because they are one of the reasons the pixx sites still exists, it would be easy for us to go for a one month membership make our requests and leech the next months like so many others do but instead we keep our membership to support the artists all the time even after all the problems lately and i think getting 1 request done every 2-3 months for that is not to much to asked if you are unsatisfied with your requests fine but stop trying to involve other members in your problems
5 Mar 2016 14:38
Rangiku's Anal Lessons
I guess the admins shall stop trying something new with distributing the requests, they should put more attention to artists and their sheulde of updates. Only two pixxxes Fpixxx and OPpixxx among all pixxes has tried to bring the daily updates on February while others just failed like FTpixxx only four poor pics on month, SMpixxx 5 pics, Npixxx 9 pics, BPixxx 10 pics and 9 from them been made by Joe although the three artist must have been work with Bpixxx, right ? HK admins explained why Darwin and Ferds have problems with updates but how about others ? Ok whole February we seen how artists do not draw any pics for a whole week or two then come to their sites to make few updates and again dissapearing for week or two without any explanations, But February has gone and in March we keep seeing the same story as on previous month You know, if everything will be continue in this way, then very soon then all current efforts of Admins about process where they can monitor how many request the member gets per month will be the waste of time because only few most loyal and rich members won't be cancel their premium accounts and keep paying for slowly and poor updates And then all this monitoring system of members requests won't be have any sense for pretty obvious reasons
5 Mar 2016 12:19
Rangiku's Anal Lessons
<strong>I guess you can spam requests from different sites, if it means spamming the to get more requests then i dont see why not. The admins are trying something new, with them takincg charge on distributing the requests. As an artist, i just focus on the assigned task, i cannot monitor who's getting the most request over and over on every site as some members gets requests done by DIFFERENT artist on different sites is why it seems they are being favored. But if u request to the same artist over and over again chances are some of your requests will be on hold for that certain artist, the admin told us that they are working on a process where they can monitor how many request the member gets per month lets wait and see how they can improve things soon okay? if there are more complaints towards this issue kindly submit a report. thanks~
5 Mar 2016 10:52
Slutty Headmaster
<strong>i noted on ur request reference update, i did not approve of the comment because theres a chance i would forget.
5 Mar 2016 09:38
Yoruichi's Past Time
<strong>what's baby bikini? anyway ill try and talk to the admin if i can change request line up. like i emntioned before, we do not choose the requests, admins are the ones who put our requests on queue, so im not sure if i can get to you FT or Fpixxx request first, ill try and add the tanline soon.
5 Mar 2016 09:35
Rangiku's Anal Lessons
Great work on all those pics Lexus them are amazing...the only thing that still needs to be fixed is the same members get their requests made one after another on the sites like don, natsu7, westes, akatsuki_pain etc... I guess the blog manager won't mind if i start spamming requests around sites to get 2-3 requests done in a row and no...i'm not saying they ARE the same person. I'm just saying that is very unfair same people(specially those whentai members) get their requests done here consequently on fanpixxx, bleach, sailormoon and one piece while others like me has to wait a couple months to get only one pic per month and for one site only. Tell me if it's fair. And once again i am NOT claiming they are the same person i'm just upset cause the very same people keeps geting their requests fulfilled consequently on different sites over and over again and nobody does nothing it is really REALLY sad.
5 Mar 2016 05:54
Yoruichi's Past Time
Would love to fill up her ass too. :) Beautiful Yoruichi!
4 Mar 2016 09:57
Yoruichi's Past Time
Thanks may i ask you to pick up the one on fairytail as my next request instead the others for fanpixxx(belle)? fairytail really needs some stuff there and one more thing...i think is not too much work if you are willing to make a tan line version of this? she would look lovely tanned, also appreciate if you could make her boobs like 'baby bikini' picture but if you cannot edit the boobs i understand.
3 Mar 2016 19:44
Yoruichi's Past Time
nice picture more high heels pictures please her breasts are a little odd i guess, you should use more heels polish nails and make up on your requests Lexus any chance you add a tanline version she would look great with some tans due her skin color and tan lines look great on dark skined girls
3 Mar 2016 18:52
Slutty Headmaster
beautiful picture taking note of this referr to use on my future requests
3 Mar 2016 18:47
Rangiku's Anal Lessons
Your uploads take some time but them all worth waiting those three last pictures are amazing i love high heels thanks for accept my request Lexus you are the best i'm very very satisfied you must probably be asian cuz your art is very nice count with my support for a couple more months by the way. I have a request for you on fanpixxx and i'm looking forward to that one how long untill you get on that with Meiko Shiraki? i can't wait for it..ps; i've updated new reference for costume on that one please take note of that
3 Mar 2016 18:45
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
I see. Well, they'll get done eventually.
2 Mar 2016 22:16
Yoruichi's Past Time
god this is soooo good! o.O the updates are awesome i just would wish they would come more frequently ;( bute hell a big THANKS for this masterpiece! 10/5 stars
2 Mar 2016 18:40
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
<strong>They are working on something im not sure what it was, but before the other request deletion, we were assigned the requests that we need to do in a certain amount of time. So even though i have copies of your requests, i cannot squeeze them on my queues because its already plotted on my schedule. if there are other concers u can contact support, since they are the ones handling almost everything around the site now :)
2 Mar 2016 17:36
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
<strong>OK ill inform the admin to delete that first one to avoid confusion
2 Mar 2016 17:27
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
<strong>I don't think i can do that, because admins are the ones in charge of giving us the request line up for a certain cut off. I doubt they'll delete them again , I think they only did that because of the new system they are trying to implement with the requests charts that they are now giving the artists for their respective schdules (that's why we can't choose the requests,our schedule is already plotted)
2 Mar 2016 17:26
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
guys, some updates about whats going on with the pixxx sites would be really nice and not to much to ask. it is over a week ago that lexus said he will be on bleachpixxx and we only got one pic since then, the last pic from aidan was 2 weeks ago and the overall update rate of the artists like rex, aidan and lexus is on an all time low for about 2-3 months. the comments are blocked or simply ignored even for members. so pls fix this problem or tell us what is going on because everything else would be a huge scam and could cause problems for hentai key because the "new images updated every day" is simply not true anymore and could cause members to quit or even want their money back since it is false advertising
2 Mar 2016 16:23
Tier's Tease
Loved the boots and glove this one desserves a fap and beautiful body My request is there for you hope you consider
29 Feb 2016 19:32
Bleach Pixxx Master: Nanao
common sense:
omfg this is really helpfull ichigo666, this really does add anything at all to the comment before u are really smart please continue posting such helpfull comments :D
26 Feb 2016 15:48
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
Good day Lexus i've sent three request for you to fanpixxx, one piece and fairytail. The other from fanpixxx was old and it's deleted i have no idea of why they deleted my request but is fine. I just wanna ask you to please accept the one from fanpixxx first it's with Belle[beauty and beast] i love her and i would love to see you drawing her for us. I know it gonna take some time i can wait not forever of course ahah. The request for fairytail can be taken next and last one piece, could you do that favor for me sir? thank you
25 Feb 2016 02:42
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
Hey Lexus, very nice cover! I just wanted to comment and ask if you could check the request I just posted on fanpixxx(not to do it, just to confirm). I posted it back in December and reposted a few days ago since textsave stopped working. Just want to be sure the my request is in the proper order (when originally posted) and not being delayed. Thanks!
24 Feb 2016 03:52
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
That is my only one request that i have for all sites very old from Yaichi's time :)
23 Feb 2016 20:27
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
Hi there lexus my request from 2015 gone from fanpixxx suggestion box i reposted it again but the problem is i know you are very busy and i won't have enough cash to keep renewing my subscription until you make to it. So i came here to kindly ask if could you save a note of my request there just in case it is deleted again. Once you draw i'll buy a new subscription to download i ask only for you to save it if you can do that please let me know. Take the time you need but please have it saved.
23 Feb 2016 20:25
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
Hi Lexus i'm here to inform you that i posted a request for you on fanpixxx few days ago so i would like to tell you to ignore that request first one i posted and take this new one i'll be posting today 02/23. That descriptions was too long i'll update it with shorter descriptions so make sure you read the right one when accepting my request bye and thanks.
23 Feb 2016 18:42
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
Wonderful job!
23 Feb 2016 11:05
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
Hey, Lexus. My requests to you got deleted most likely because of TextSave not working anymore. I just reposted 2 of my requests which I actually sent to you as security copies over at WHentai's chat. 1 for Fanpixxx and 1 for Bleachpixxx. I think you should be able to somewhat place them in your workload in a chronological order because you can see the date I sent them to you in WHentai's chat. Unfortunately, it appears that some of my other requests that did not need TextSave got deleted as well. Unless you actually noted them down somewhere else before they disappeared, please do not worry about when I originally posted them anymore. It sucks, but for your convinience sake, let's start anew :)
23 Feb 2016 08:01
VOLUME 10: Tsundere Teasers
Quite a lovely trio you picked there. They look so cute in their panties :D
23 Feb 2016 07:27
Zanpakuto Love
Thank you very very much Joe for so awesome image for so lovely and sweet chicks Excellent artwork
20 Feb 2016 21:26
Tier's Tease
Sexy and hot as hell the boots make she even more sexy. High heels and boots are gaining more and more space around hentai nowadays and the high quality sites receives tons of requests including heels and boots even the artists are drawing for non requests because those accessories make the girls look much more sexy. I kinda enjoy some pics with high heels too. Requests that includes fetishism like heels, stockings, costumes etc has increased a lot not only for the pixxes but for other sites as well like whentai and many others specially for REIQ'S sites. Though i still do not understand why some people troll so much on those pictures for a foolish reason just because an accessory that make the girls look sexier... Good lucky on fanpixxx Joe i hope you can pick my request for you there ;).
20 Feb 2016 19:02
Pussy Fucked Hard
Thanks. Admittedly, my hands don't agree with Kubo's art style so I really do need more practice in that regard.
20 Feb 2016 16:41
Pussy Fucked Hard
Though her face is kinda weird and small i say her body is magnificent. Maybe that is your style drawing faces and you won't change it. Have you tried photocopy-photoshop-photoscan (whatever i don't know the name) for faces? The only weak point on your art are faces putting that aside i think you do a cool work.
19 Feb 2016 19:46
Happy Valentine's!
I guess you people are not alone my request disappear from queue list and i just resend again so far nobody said anything about that. Though's everything in order with others i wonder if the issue is for this site only.
19 Feb 2016 19:38
Happy Valentine's!
I would like to know the same deathstroke i've posted a request for Lexus a couple weeks ago and it's now gone, it seems to be some kind of issue with the suggestion box for Bpixxx only. Because requests for the other sites seems to be okay. You guys artists should notify the administrators about that issue or people will think they are deleting requests on purpose.
18 Feb 2016 19:39
Happy Valentine's!
Thank you. And yeah, I plan to make more images in that style.
18 Feb 2016 17:34
Happy Valentine's!
Simple question for Joe/Lexus... why my request has gone again from the queue list for the 3° time?
17 Feb 2016 21:04
Happy Valentine's!
would like to see more characters in that style it really looks good
17 Feb 2016 20:40
Happy Valentine's!
First Himawari on Narutopixxx, and now Yachiru. This is a great start of the year for loli lovers. Disclaimer: I have nothing against loli. It sometimes works for me, too.
17 Feb 2016 15:16
Waiting for New Year
Listen mr.fair member I just quite wondering why do you complaining and write so long comments here when you didn't ask any request in the Bpixxx suggestion box ? What is your secret ?
16 Feb 2016 18:02
Waiting for New Year
You are welcome.
16 Feb 2016 15:30
Waiting for New Year
Thanks for this piece of info. The admins are still determining further steps to take regarding revamping/improving HK. It's not like we've already stopped looking into other ways to improve the sites. What was done regarding artist shuffle is just one of the first steps in executing a larger idea. It's just mainly so that us artists get variety when it comes to the images we do so we stay inspired and in turn, improve the quality of work. I'm sure better things will come along for HK.
16 Feb 2016 15:29
Waiting for New Year
Is that so? Gee, I had no idea. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Although it could just be because what was done on the other site could be a more recent request than this one I did since this was on my old separate list. We'll take care to avoid multiple requests on all sites per member at any one time moving forward.
16 Feb 2016 15:23
Waiting for New Year
By the way this guy got two requests one here and another one from lexus on Sailormoonpixxx. Not that i'm pointing fingers but please guys pay some more attention, while some get 2-3+ requests others don't even get one... New members deserves their requests as well, you guys should give some more attention to the new members as well.
15 Feb 2016 18:33
Waiting for New Year
That's a good initiative Joe but i don't really think everyone is going to come back to 'repost' all those lost request. The queue list is getting filled again and half are spamers besides most already quit the sites for the lack of constantly updates and went request on another site, even I did it man... i'm just here cause my subs was for 3 months so i'll be around untill next month after that who knows. Besides there's a very famous site that is growing up more and more and alot members from HK are there now(including me) i won't tell the name but is not whentai. The requests there are done very quickly and the artists do not switch sites. It's only one site but with different artists working for that site. I don't wanna be negative but if Hk want to bring more customers/members they need to do something fast cause artists. I really think they should merge all in Fanpixxx, but that's just my opinion and it's up to the manager to decide. If they think spliting sites and artists will be better, so be it then :).
15 Feb 2016 18:30
Waiting for New Year
Looks great, Joe-san! Thank you very much!
15 Feb 2016 17:02
Especially when I'm pressed for time. Hahaha!
15 Feb 2016 02:38
Thank you, I appreciate your feedback. I always take note of constructive feedbacks and don't worry, I never stop learning. There are new things I learn everyday and hope to apply on my works.
15 Feb 2016 02:37
You are welcome and I'm glad that you like it.
15 Feb 2016 02:34
Thanks, Joe, An amazing tease
14 Feb 2016 13:13
I was a big fan of Hellery's art shame, really SHAME she left i miss her alot. The pixxxsites needs a female touch again.
13 Feb 2016 00:36
The face is kinda odd compared to the Anime (i never read the manga) but the body is delicous man in fact...those three latest pictures the girls are pretty hot i'm begging to like your style too. I'm an old member from Hellery's time comming back for new requests i've mention about it on my description, some angles on your pictures are nice but other not much is more about faces, you have some kind of difficulty about drawing faces but you can make it better if you keep training harder. I've read it on other site nd i tell you the same thing... "Keep this pattern for bodies but can be better, you have potential to become a top artist Joe" just do the best you can. As artist you still has alot to learn but as person you are a nice guy, though sometimes not everyone agree, but you ARE man unlike some other artists. Apologies for the long text.
13 Feb 2016 00:34
Our artists
Recent Comments
Hey konan541 today you posted 5 requests in 5 sites, tell us your secret because we can post only 1 request by month and only in 1 site
2 Dec 2024 00:20
Thank you Rex, Good Job
27 Nov 2024 12:54
"Tighter than his sister", not for long if Chad has a say in it.😂
19 Nov 2024 20:50
It came oit pretty good, amazing work. Thanks.
19 Nov 2024 20:45
No worries, I would like to maintain my Halloween request as late post. I can wait until you finished older requests.
15 Nov 2024 16:18
Hi! Yes, it’s still up to you if you want to submit a new request or maintain this one for a late Halloween post. I apologize for the delay, but I must prioritize the oldest requests first. Thank you (...)
15 Nov 2024 15:17
If not, let me know when you reply.
12 Nov 2024 20:01
That's okay. I was wondering why my Halloween request didn't get accepted, but I had a feeling you got your hands full on your side at that time. Is my request still acceptable as a late Halloween pos (...)
12 Nov 2024 17:50
Thanks, JoeH!
31 Oct 2024 14:20
I wanted to say Nice one.
22 Oct 2024 21:40
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