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Fun In Leather
@Hercule: First off = I did not ask for any high heels, them were on the reference picture i posted.
Second = Just like the artist Joe said he was asked to make it "exactly" as the reference Picture, that includes the clothing, shoes, face expression and others. If you can't see or read the note posted by the artist at right side of the picture i suggest you buy GLASSES or go back to school to learn read english.
And for last = If you do not have proof or evidences to acuse people and confirm what you're saying is true. I suggest you stop accusing others based on what they ask or do not ask on their requests, and before you get in trouble. You are being inconvenient to the other users and bothering artists work, they are just gentle enough to not say that to you.
If you have any complainings or report about me, him or anybody else go to the support to submit a ticket and stop bothering the users and artists.
@Joe: No i apologies to you man, if i did not mention it on my request or adressed to lexus perhaps i forgot, as you said i'm still new here and things happen. Please apologize me for any inconvenience or misundertanding. That's all for now see you guys in a couple months.
PS: Do not allow assholes like 'this' to ruin Hentai Key and your artists works. 'People' like this usually are unoccupied who wants to get some 'attention', so the best thing to do is just ignore them.
Pussies and Assholes
<strong>I'm not being "racist" im just stating what i have observed, just like how you ALWAYS call me "miss" even if i prefer my gender to not be specific! I could be of the opposite sex, and it seems that you DON'T RESPECT that (given that i already mentioned that to you BEFORE).But that is how you want to "prefer" lexus and cause that's what u think or know "lexus" is , then I left it as it is, since its not REALLY a SERIOUS MATTER, while i get offended on some occasions, you dont see me lashing out on you about the matter, or calling you out on being "sexist" based on what you have "observed" Lexus DO.
If you're going to get "offended" by my remark which is NOT EVEN directly about YOU, its about " Don" being more fluent (doesn't even make it a racist REMARK, and NEVER did I demean your grammar) then please get off the internet for a while ,calm down, and THINK before you REACT.
Although no one is perfect and some of the best writers can sometimes make grammatical mistakes. Throwing out the "racism" word at me like that is ABSURD. LANGUAGE DOESN'T define your RACE! I can speak ENGLISH, but that doesnt mean im american! Don't make things complicated.
I'm being NEUTRAL about the matter since I ONLY need to follow the INSTRUCTIONS that i have been given. If a USER/MEMBER has the same IP's then we avoid making their requests making it once a month or so. IS it OUR fault that you guys have the same IP? IF a request have heels/tanlines/stockings, it does NOT mean its YOUR request either (why are you reacting so much in this post, when it's zelos' requests and obviously the stockings were my idea). and BY me STATING that WE ARE AWARE of cheaters in this site, DOES NOT EQUAL ME SAYING THAT ALL THOSE USERS are YOU. You just made us more suspicious by reacting that way. IF its not YOU, then IGNORE it! YOU are STILL a PAYING MEMBER, and IT DOES NOT MEAN WE WONT DO THE REQUEST, WE JUST NEED TO FOLLOW GUIDELINES, in which i BELIEVE i already talked to you about.
Another thing, and just to be clear, you are not only paying for THIS SITE, there are other stuff in Hentaikey that you can enjoy.
Pussies and Assholes
@Don..Shut up Don, Edwardnewgate, Ero-shunsui, King-Mathew, Purehito-Master, Unohana-Lover, Bigbang, Pyonwang, Minervarules, Lexus1fan, Ferdsfan, Hentaipixxxfan, Hentai-Boy, The-Joker, newuserandsomenumber, Zelos and many more...Only you ask for high heels, tanlines and stockings. I know it's you, Rex knows, everyone knows. Lexus is just favoring you and your cheat names because you are him biggest fan. CHEATER!!.
Fun In Leather
He's not new to the blog joe its Lexus1Fan cheating again, look at the heels he always ask for heels, stockings, cowgirl, tanlines etc..Good job again Edwardnewgate..so this is your new name newuser9965? WAKE UP joe this cheater is cheating you do not be fooled by this cheater. You must realize that there is only one person behind all that names: Edwardnewgate, Ero-shunsui, King-Mathew, Purehito-Master, Unohana-Lover, Bigbang, Pyonwang, Minervarules, Lexus1fan, Ferdsfan, Hentaipixxxfan, Hentai-Boy, The-Joker, Don and now newuser9965. And maybe more. Rex knows, Robert knowns, Lexus knows (finally), but I think its time to Claudius and you realize this.