Home Artists Joe Lisa's Other Persona

Lisa's Other Persona

Tags: Lisa Yadomaru, Halloween, Crossovers, Costumes, Crossover,

21 October 2015
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  • EVA-013: But you forget he has laptop a too and as he said "I can work properly" but already two weeks he didn't update any new pics or said something The same story with Aidan from Sailormoonpixxx who is good Lexus friend Sorry people but I have very bad feelings about those two cool artists and their work with HKey
    24 Oct 2015 04:31
  • WakeUpKiva: His computer broke. Its at Amazon and Sorceress pic's description
    24 Oct 2015 01:27
  • a53z9x32: where is lexus?!??!
    23 Oct 2015 15:52
  • lis301: Joy great, for me it's the best!
    21 Oct 2015 22:54
  • Westes: Persona is another series I want play, but can't afford at the moment. Love the background effect.
    21 Oct 2015 10:10