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Who's Your Master?
Who's Your Master?
Lexus: <strong>Thank you!
27 Jul 2015 05:58
Who's Your Master?
Who's Your Master?
Lexus: <strong>thanks!</strong>
25 Jul 2015 06:50
Who's Your Master?
Who's Your Master?
Lexus: <strong>thanks :)
25 Jul 2015 06:49
Punishment Game
Punishment Game
Lexus: <strong>Interesting..you guys seem to be very close then :) I'm from somewhere, where drawing porn is illegal, so my identity should be kept between me and Hkey XD. I'm surely not from the US. cause my grammar is all over the place most of the time. well first of, i would of course get sad, but personally, i'm not into hentai, so i wouldn't know exactly how to feel...cause there are other things you pay for when u purchase a membership on hkey, like all those doujinshi and videos and more sites.. it is like paying for a buffet, while waiting for my dessert..i'd help myself with the other delicious stuff that was included to what i've paid for.. I'll get upset, of course if i see someone else getting a lot of dessert while im still waiting my turn to get it from the chef, but i wont lash out to the chef without them telling me why this thing is happening. There is always an explanation to everything, i'm not one to complain until i know why things are the way they are. In any case, I wont let my money go to waste, so im eating the rest of the food that i've paid for :) but that's just me, im not easily angered and i find ways to not get upset as much as possible. ANYWAY! i do get what you're trying to get at, and I UNDERSTAND. Me and Joe just started here on Bpixxx a year ago, and already we were faced with a bunch of old request for ellery, that's why the catching up game will be as close to impossible. this is why i ask for all the members to cooperate with us, and not to throw the "favoritism/ignoring" accusations because artists just follow the system they were given. Like i said on my rant on the other post, I've decided to just do the request by batch according to date it was submitted, first come first serve, EXCEPT! if its the same member who made multiple request on a certain batch (every his/her request will be done in the succeeding batch *unless they cancel it and give instruction to the artist on what to do*) er.. my message is getting long, I'll post the request guideline on my next submission so it will be clear for ALL member! nice chatting with you, and hope everything goes well on your end.
25 Jul 2015 06:26
Who's Your Master?
Who's Your Master?
Gamakichi-Sama: Lexus you Joe are doing an excelent work over here on this site. Like i read on comments to be more specific from Brad Bish what he said is truth the only thing that is lacking on naruto and a few more other sites are communication and consideration between artists to the members. Well to not make this post loooooooong i'll simplify, at least a minimum of communication is required to avoid both artists to accept the same members requests. There's no rule for it currently it's like a member can come on site and submit 2, 3, 4, 10 requests all at once and some artists will do like is happening on sailormoon and fanpixxx. By doing that he's being selfish and thinking only on himself the artist accepting and drawing he'll be taking away the chance of 2 or 3 people have their requests made this is why people get angry. Man one request per month is more than enough, spamming artists with request will only result on delaying even more their work and take away the chance that a person who never had any request done away. That's probably the reason of why so many requests get in 'forgotten list'. And for consideration i don't think that won't hurt the artists answer the members comments like 'Hello is everything alright with my request', 'Hi have you received my request?'. We cannot see any request or even know if was received, God there's no such thing of Perfect System and sometimes it may get a 'bug', then how should we know if our requests were received if the artists don't even reply our messages!? Just to finish in my opinion Bleachpixxx is the best pixxxsite because the artits DO KNOW to sort the requests very well and the communication is pretty good. It's a shame SHAME they do not put artists like you and Joe on the other sites. Pixxxes sites needs artists that will attract users instead push them to other sites what is happening. This is what i think and if you need rest i say GO healthy always comes first, nobody will die to wait a couple more weeks to have their requests done, like you said you guys are HUMAN being and NOT ROBOTS.
25 Jul 2015 04:04