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Candidate #4
Candidate #4
...I_LOVE_IT...: just opinion i like candidate #2
6 Mar 2014 20:06
Candidate #1
Candidate #1
: It's understandable that not everything will be perfect but that doesn't mean it's an excuse to have someone that can't make a picture to depict properly the body and faces of the characters especially in a picture that aims to show those said characters having sex. The coloring may not be the best. Ok it's fine that can easily be improved upon. The shadowing might not be on par with Ellery's. Once again it's perfectly fine. They can improve on that too. But when you can't get the body and faces of the characters to look right than that's no good. Everyone keep's saying this did the coloring better etc. What's the point of him coloring right if the characters look very awkward and nothing like the actual ones and I'm mostly referring to the girls here since they are the most important. This is just barely better than what FairyTail's artist is offering at the moment but nowhere near Ellery. And again the coloring process, shading etc are things that can easily be improved upon. But in terms of body anatomy and facial expression as well as the face overall is something you need a great amount of time. Candidate 3 may have done it as a painting but at the very least he can do the face and body correctly for the most part. Why not give him a shot at improving on some normal line art drawing since I'm pretty sure he's more than capable of doing that considering how hard it is to make a painting which doesn't work around line arts that much usually. That's really what I don't understand. You got number 3 who can do for the most part right and than this one or the other that really don't shine. And people are willing to give a shot to the mediocre ones just because the only one that tops them on what matters felt like doing something more impressive like a painting. In terms of these kind of pictures the most important aspects are how good the faces and body are depicted. The coloring, shading etc are only second to those mostly because unlike the key elements the latter ones can be improved with minimal effort, of course assuming the artist is willing to work hard to improve them as well. And seeing as how number 3 went for a painting it's pretty clear he's more than ready to work hard since painting is no easy feat to pull off.
6 Mar 2014 16:04
Candidate #1
Candidate #1
: So they said when FairyTail PiXXX started off about the artists there and look how well that turned out. In my opinion you need someone who can do the basics right from the very beginning as coco pointed out. Namely the body, which isn't the case here. It's not well drawn. In a nutshell this is the way the samples are at the moment from my point of view. Candidate 1 only nailed the color palette choice ( as in the colors picked to be used not the coloring itself since the coloring itself doesn't respect the boundaries of the line art ). Body dimensions are wrong, faces are drawn very awkwardly and do not manage to closely resemble the characters it tries to portray ( and I mean the human face of the girl not Mayuri since his face isn't one of a normal human and thus can be taken some big liberties with it, but even so he looks way to creepy as it is ). The details are non-existent ( pussy lips are nowhere to be seen and by the least bit of evidence indicating she has a pussy, namely that little red dot, it's clear there's no sense of detail there, also no inner lines in her hair to indicate multiple threads of hair for a more natural, realistic look, no eyebrows, no genuine facial expression on her face, Mayuri's lower half is way too far away from the position his upper half is located, even if he's supposedly bending his lower half outwards the resulting angle wouldn't be so big, his hands are extremely small almost half the size they should be etc. ). The line art is very crude, there's no smoothness to it. If you look closely at it you'll notice it has many interruptions. Candidate has a better sense of body proportions, still not good enough but way better than Candidate 1, the faces are drawn well enough, he did manage to give away some facial expressions on the characters in his sample. All in all Candidate 2 delivers better than Candidate 1 on more key elements. His only biggest flaw is the coloring on his behalf and the line art thickness which varies between too thick to too thin. Candidate 3, yes I know it's a painting pretty much, it's never been done before, but I say in art you gotta leave prejudice aside, so let's just look at it like any piece of art, with an open mind. Ignoring the fact it's a painting he clearly delivered the best facial expression, the character clearly has an emotion there, the body proportions are spot on, the details are good ( the cum looks natural with a liquid for to it, the hair is done well, being shown to actually be affected by gravity considering the angle her head is seen having and also the way it rest upon the sheets there. The coloring is good, the colors blending well with each other making the whole pic look more natural and doesn't scream that much "I am just a drawing/painting with nice colors". Also the shading is very similar to the way Ellery did it so that's a plus in his favor. But of course there are some flaw there too. And no I'm sorry but being a painting isn't a flaw, it's another form of art. The real flaw there is the fact that the tones of the colors used could use some work. And while I might agree with some about seeing Candidate 3 do a sample normally with line art instead of painting much in the form of how Ellery did them I think for someone to do a painting the way he did is extremely hard and by doing so it's proof that there's potential as well as an already good knowledge on art to help him along the way. So I say if HK needs an artist at the moment it is Candidate 3 for proving he has a mastery of the basics of what art here demands to be met.
6 Mar 2014 13:41
Candidate #3
Candidate #3
Nonie: totally agree with you.
6 Mar 2014 10:41
Candidate #3
Candidate #3
: This has got to be the most far-fetched accusation I've ever read. And really now? Since when is there a thing as knowing "REAL PORN" by just looking at a pic. I get that you don't like this sample it's pretty clear but don't go off throwing accusations like that with no proof. For all we know all Candidate's probably didn't have the background sets that Ellery had when she was working here so they just had to resort to using others. This Candidate could've just used as a background a picture of his own room, one can never know. And really what angles are you talking about in Candidate 1's sample. There's no impressive angle approached there. And that sample has bad coloring ( and I'm not referring to the color palette that was used )and the line art is just too wild and messy. From that I can tell he either rushed it up or he just doesn't have a sense of quality towards the works he's doing. And again the characters look really bad. Bland expression and they look very little to how they should. Again Nemu's face and hairstyle didn't even came close to how they are. And really now if you can't get Nemu's hairstyle at the very least right what can you expect from him when he'll have to do Matsumoto's or others that have a more complex appearance. Not to mention the boobs or pussy which have no details at all and are pretty badly drawn. All in all the only thing Candidate 1 got right is the color palette and nothing else. I understand these are raw samples but still you gotta put some effort into them. This one on the other hand manages to fulfill most of the elements that are required from an artist to do right in pics that should depict characters having sex. The body. It is proportionate, the facial expression is clearly there, the cum looks natural enough ( at the very least you can tell it is something liquid and not just some random white lines ), the face manages to match very closely Orihime's face ( notice the shape of her head which is pretty close to the head shape Tite Kubo applies to his characters ). The coloring is better ( yes the color palette might need some improvement ) but I'm referring to the fact that the colors looks more natural, they seem to be able to blend well with each other unlike the other samples. Also the small details like Inoue's hair. Unlike Candidate 1's or the other one her hair actually looks like it's affected by gravity the way it should as well as the way the hair rest on the sheets which look, yet again, much more closer to how they would in reality. I think that most people agree that this Candidate is the best, even some that have voted for the other samples. I think that the reason they are so skeptic towards this Candidate is because he has chosen to do his raw sample from a different artistic approach ( painting ) which might have created some doubts for them due to this style never being approached before. Still I think it's better if Candidate 3 gets the job since, although he painted this, it's far better in overall quality than the others. This one really has potential and it would be a real loss if he doesn't get the job.
5 Mar 2014 12:02
Candidate #3
Candidate #3
DolZaRK: This is best candidate! Like this.
5 Mar 2014 10:36
Candidate #3
Candidate #3
Sup: This one for sure.
4 Mar 2014 13:20
Candidate #3
Candidate #3
(=^.^=): Candidate #3 you've got my vote :3
4 Mar 2014 09:39
Candidate #1
Candidate #1
Vamp: Mayuri's face O.O
4 Mar 2014 05:39
Candidate #1
Candidate #1
wesker1984: Mayuri's face is just horrible.
4 Mar 2014 04:15