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"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
SweetBlow: Best decision rex could have made. I wanted to tell him that, but thought he will do it sooner or later, because the comment section isn't a comment section anymore and such comments would make anyone SICK. I also stopped commenting, because it's no fun anymore to read 80% shit and in between some serious pic responses. Some guys really don't get it, rex like everyone else has his good sides and some shortcomings and humans aren't perfect, wouldn't you agree? If I were him I would have closed the comment section three months ago, seriously. That annoying complaining, bitching, imposter-shit and on top of that telling rex WHAT TO DO, LOL. Do you like getting ordered around by people who have no right to even do that? Yes members may pay hentaikey, but they dont pay rex personally. Rex is one of many artists working for hentaikey, so as long as hentaikey is fine with his releases and works you have no right to demand, demand & demand. Get that in your head. Why did he take down the old line-arts and never coloured them? Why did he draw 13 line-arts at one day in the past to show what he is capable of and nowadays he has to force himself to draw for such a community. Why does it seem that he lost the passion and fun by drawing naruto-hentai? I think the answer is easy and clearly to see, so closing the comment section was another resulting consequence. I hope he will keep on drawing the best naruto-hentai out there. And I hope rex can regenerate now, since he doesn't have to handle these "Do That!!!!"-comments. When we are lucky we will see more releases next months (if he finds his good mood/passion or spirit again, afer what shit did happen it's a mentally challange) @Ellery: Awesome pic btw :D
22 Jun 2012 08:38
*Clears throat*
*Clears throat*
someone: jajajajaja
22 Jun 2012 08:16
bigben: i love when they are crying
22 Jun 2012 08:14
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
bigben: really
22 Jun 2012 07:56
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
hyugasan: oo, yeeee, supeeer!!
21 Jun 2012 22:04
Riruka dicklicks Ichigo
Riruka dicklicks Ichigo
DarK: ghhkgfk
21 Jun 2012 16:58
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
bigben: just GREAT!
21 Jun 2012 06:32
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
rafath: Very good.
21 Jun 2012 00:14
"The Princesses"
"The Princesses"
Me: very hot.
20 Jun 2012 22:20
"Kurosaki's Clinic"
"Kurosaki's Clinic"
Me: I love it!
20 Jun 2012 22:19
*Clears throat*
*Clears throat*
GodOfPeace: GTFO troll
20 Jun 2012 19:59
*Clears throat*
*Clears throat*
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: can we get momo, ichigo n momo zanpaku-to
20 Jun 2012 18:13