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"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
vystil: well said.
28 Jun 2012 06:19
*Clears throat*
*Clears throat*
Jason25: Fuck you loser, Go suck a dick!
28 Jun 2012 05:39
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
Hinamori: I agree completely
28 Jun 2012 02:11
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
someguy: which one?
28 Jun 2012 01:26
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
hellyeah: fake obviously
27 Jun 2012 21:41
*Clears throat*
*Clears throat*
Jason25: hellyeah,Shut up bitch!
27 Jun 2012 21:27
*Clears throat*
*Clears throat*
Jason25: Shut up bitch!
27 Jun 2012 21:26
*Clears throat*
*Clears throat*
Hinamori: Fuck you, Ellery is the best
27 Jun 2012 18:38
"Time For Revenge"
"Time For Revenge"
Wawan: I, might consider in radergs to those I do respect in the industry, it's because I know them. I know their preferences, dislikes and hobby horses. So I can be a bit more discerning when reading their review. That's something that obviously isn't practical when reading the masses of online reviews. I guess there is a place for this type of review, but it annoys me how much weight they carry to the general public, whether intentional or not.There was a chat a few months back where I was happy to do some reviews. It was called, Review the Reviewer . To basically make those who are giving the reviews accountable for the comments they make. This proved to upset a few people, namingly companies who make a business of compiling cafe reviews etc. Mainly cos most of their reviewers are just your average punter who think they have more credibility than they actually do. None are Q-graders, work as quality control for coffee roasters, have passed sensory examinations etc. Not that this is a prerequisite for reviewing, but it does add some sort of credibility to their statements. I guess a personal reason for not reviewing, besides the reasons already given, I have a lot of friends in the industry. I have friends who work for coffee joints that I prefer to drink a bottle of water at than their coffee out of fear of stripping my palate. I value their friendship over my integrity of remaining objective should I have to review them. When it comes down to it, if I like something and 99% of people don't, I don't care; more for me :o)
27 Jun 2012 12:58
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
4444: hha
27 Jun 2012 09:04
a dude: Awesome
27 Jun 2012 03:27
"Yoruichi's Daily Milk"
"Yoruichi's Daily Milk"
: Really hot
27 Jun 2012 03:23
"Yoruichi's Daily Milk"
"Yoruichi's Daily Milk"
: Hot really hot
27 Jun 2012 03:20