Home Artists Ellery Candidate #2

Candidate #2

Tags: Candidate,

3 March 2014
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  • TakaSasuke20: You're kidding right? His art doesn't come close to rex's. Look at the way rex does the skin tone and what not and then look at Darwin's. Come back when you understand.
    10 Mar 2014 20:29
  • hatake: I don't see why people give that guy Darwin a lot of hate. He seems like a nice guy and his art work looks really close to Rex's. The only thing I can really see that people dont like is how he draws much more solo pictures than actual sex.
    10 Mar 2014 16:58
  • Raven: East or West, Ellery is THE BEST!!
    9 Mar 2014 20:22
  • TakaSasuke20: Darwin's work is terrible though. I don't know why NarutoPixxx needed a second artist. The site is fine WITHOUT Darwin.
    5 Mar 2014 22:35
  • z: don't assume too much as that is mostly what they say about rex, ellery, darwin when they all started the blogs few years ago (they are even traditional artists back then) but after some period of time they were able to workout their skill set and look at them now. a real eye opener knows how to see talent it would be unfair to judge the outcome of this blog because of these few candidate's samples. i believe in every artist, if given with proper guidance and - their skill set can be tapped...
    and improved.
    5 Mar 2014 06:23
  • ciphwe: If this wins..I'll sadly saw BleachPIXXX will be reverting back to the old ways, and I do not think ANY of them are great, in fact, it will not be the same from here on out. 1 is okay but honestly, I think I'll be removing BleachPixxx from my favorites.
    5 Mar 2014 06:07
  • Hinamori: As for my opinion on these samples. I will say that I actually like this one more than the other two. Like the guy before me said, the third one looks like it was painted. I think the artist is good, but not Bleach good. I really don't think the color fits the theme. As for choice one, it's alright but I honestly don't care much for it. Hard to explain why not. As for this picture, sure it isn't as detailed as the others but I like this one a lot more. With this picture I see more emoti...
    on than the others, and even a lot of Ellery's drawings. Also this one feels more alive than the others. Hard to explain it. As for the art style of this picture I do wish they'd show us more samples from the artists, they said these are raws; it would be nice seeing completed pictures from them so we know what they're capable of, even if the pictures aren't Bleach related, that way we have more to go off of.
    5 Mar 2014 05:26
  • TakaSasuke20: Ok I just saw the HD version of all 3 images. My god Candidate #3's looks like it was painted with a brush and some paint. That's just horrible and I don't mean to be rude. 1 and 2 are still the best in my opinion.
    5 Mar 2014 01:17
  • : So far this one is my favorite. I like the faces. Sure the lines are a little weird in some places and some people may call them "too soft," but I like it. It helps the body actually blend together with itself like Orihime's ear. The outline is gentle enough to where the ear doesn't look like it's a separate entity from the head. The jaw lines are a little to sharp angled though. I like the coloring and shading a lot.The skin tones are also grand. My major problem is with the nipples. I know...
    there are people with puffy nipples like that, and this is really just a personal preference. I mean, puffy nipples to me look like gumdrops. And I just don't like gumdrops. Still, you have my vote.
    4 Mar 2014 20:06
  • hatake: To be honest I like this one more than the other ones. I like the way they drew the characters, although I think the lines need improvement. And as for the colors They'd also need improvement. As for the Candidate 3's picture, I find the colors too dark. That one doesn't feel like a Bleach picture. Candidate 1's is alright, but I don't like the way they drew the faces. I prefer the faces in this picture. I'd like to see a few more samples from this person if possible
    4 Mar 2014 16:12
  • webadmin: <strong>I’ve updated the post descriptions, please see the ‘full resolution’ link on each post so you can view the HD versions -WebAdmin</strong>
    4 Mar 2014 15:42
  • webadmin: <strong>I'm gonna have to check with that from my boss. My guess would be that the new artist(s) will be trained by someone from one of the other Pixxx sites. We will also use these criticisms, reviews, ideas, tips and pointers in the comments to help them evolve and we're exactly asking for your judgement on their work so they can improve. Will post more samples as soon as I get a hold of them. -WebAdmin</strong>
    4 Mar 2014 14:19
  • webadmin: <strong>Sorry, its just me WebAdmin, not Ellery. You will notice my signature at the end of each comments I post -WebAdmin</strong>
    4 Mar 2014 13:59
  • Westes: I like the way their faces are drawn. It was hard to choose, but I think this one is the best so far. Will there be more candidates?
    4 Mar 2014 09:07
  • Vamp: There are major inconsistencies in the outlining on this pic. Ranging from way to thick to non-existent.
    4 Mar 2014 05:27
  • Hinamori: Not sure if this is actually you Ellery, or someone using your account. If it is you, come back to us T.T
    4 Mar 2014 05:02
  • wesker1984: Just make Inoue's boobs bigger and its a win!
    4 Mar 2014 04:16
  • Kida: This is the best choice of picture in my opnion. And the drawing style is also good, but it doesn't top candidate #3 for me.
    4 Mar 2014 02:48
  • shinigami: I really like this one over all of the others. This is because the artist, whoever they are, has just about nailed the faces of both Rukia and Orihime. If the artist works on their colour selection and backgrounds a bit then, unlike the other two, the artist will be able to pick up where the last one (Ellery) left off.
    4 Mar 2014 01:02
  • greatwhite: This might be a hassle, but would it be possible to see more then one picture from the candidates to get a better feel of the artist's work?
    4 Mar 2014 00:57
  • WakeUpKiva: I vote for this one. We can see the clear lineart after the coloring, but needs a little more work. And what Haruko said was right, it can be an upgraded version of AnimePixxx.
    3 Mar 2014 23:32
  • George: In my opinion this is the worst of 3..dont get me wrong im not here to judge or to be rude ..but i dont like this artist's style.I have a question: "take note that most of these artists samples are raw- in which case they have not yet been trained for the styles, etc - this is their first attempt -WebAdmin" i want to ask who is supposed to train the new artist and how?
    3 Mar 2014 21:46
  • Bob: This has to be my least favorite of the bunch. The coloring is mediocre, some lines are too thick, some lines are too thin, and the proportions need work too. It is also a rather simple pic and not very interesting or detailed. That's not to say it's bad, and I do like their faces, but #1 and #3 look much more promising.
    3 Mar 2014 21:04
  • Isshin: Not so good. I really dont like this art syle. It reminds me of one piece's cheap looking art style. In my opinion the only good thing about this pic is rukia's Vagina.
    3 Mar 2014 19:26
  • TakaSasuke20: I like this one and Candidate #1. No offense to Candidate #3 but you made Orihime's skin too dark as well as her hair. I suggest you try lightening the skin tone and the hair a bit more. Also if possible, if Ellery doesn't come back, why not use two artists instead of one? I'd hate it if Ellery didn't return.
    3 Mar 2014 18:19
  • AzulaX: Any more candidates? Please tell me that there are more candidates... These 3 are okay, but I know there were more capable artists that submitted works. Please let us know if it comes down to these 3 candidates...
    3 Mar 2014 18:00
  • coco: The stile is similar to both guys who doing/did Fairy Tail Pixxx, the kind who will never improves
    3 Mar 2014 17:54
  • Anon fapper: Easily the best out of the three!! Got my vote.
    3 Mar 2014 17:28
  • Ellery: <strong>Hello, No worries, I also first noticed Mayuri's face on the #1 to be "weird" :P but his/her choice of color almost matches the original Anime, which we hope would be worth some points perhaps? what we're aiming on this stage is to show off their raw styles, then have them improve their it basing on the criticism, tips, suggestions, pointers, ideas from you guys. best regards, -WebAdmin</strong>
    3 Mar 2014 17:02
  • Mystogan: Im like this one the most right now. TBH none of them look like hentai but instead cartoon porn but oh well i guess this is the best Hkey can afford.
    3 Mar 2014 17:02
  • Haruko: I really don't mean to be disrespectful or anything, but do you have any better samples? I find candidate #1's picture to be closer to the Bleach still and colors. But I am concerned with Mayuri's face, which makes me unsure of how they draw faces. As for this picture it looks like an upgraded version of AnimePixxx Claudius' style. I think this one looks good with the positions and RukiHime, but the color isn't as good as the other.
    3 Mar 2014 16:17