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"Yes Master"
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan: First of all, legalizing prostitution won't spread STD's quite the opposite moron. Look at the STD rates in countries with legalized prostitution. They're much lower than countries that banned prostitution. For instance , the Untied States where prostitution is illegal has the largest STD rate within the western world as opposed to Netherlands which has one of the lowest STD rates within the western countries. Second, Marijuana helps with cancer treatment and i'll like you to tell a cancer patient just how useless it is . It's proven by science and many doctors that use ti to help save lives. My uncle was a cancer surivior and wouldn't of made it through without Stem Cells and Pot. Weed criminalization doesn't work,all it does is make criminals more money and leds to pointlessly waste taxpayers dollars. Also Alcohol and Prescription drugs do much more brain damage to people and causes more health and intelligence problems than even the lowest quality of pot and their legal . Wish to criminalize that ? Sorry i don't look at incest Hentai , never did and never will . Also i have no problem with hentai as long as it's nothing that is harmful or unlawful so i'm highly offended that you call me a hypocrite for wanting to get rid of a toxic aspect such as Incest Hentai. No, the hypocrite is you. You support Incest Hentai but i don't see you supporting Yaoi Hentai. Hell Hentai Key is the real hypocrites when it comes to policy . Incest is just as morally wrong as Bestiality and Loilcon yet that's not banned ? Yaoi is just as moral as Yuri yet it's banned ? Listen, i'm not for Yaoi but i find it extremely hypocritical of you to call me an hypocrite when you endorse Incest which is alot worse than Yaoi and i don't even like Yaoi yet you're against Yaoi. You have no right to lecture me on moral conviction when you're the one with the inconstent, rigid values.
9 Jul 2012 02:42
"Yes Master"
"Yes Master"
Correction: It's immoral, not inmoral.
9 Jul 2012 01:47
"Yes Master"
"Yes Master"
Awesomesauce: Exactly
9 Jul 2012 01:18
"Yes Master"
"Yes Master"
Random dude on the internet: Is it Ellery or Robert?
9 Jul 2012 00:50
"Yes Master"
"Yes Master"
Awesomesauce: Ok TPOBF I do agree on a lot of what you just said and yes I do believe religion (because of what it has made humans do in the past) is probably the worst thing we have ever created. Yes we need to evolve from our primitive behavior that took place so long ago, and yes my argument may have "failed in modern society", so now let me make a valid argument acceptable in modern society. I do believe that in order to advance in today's society we need to cut our ties from the weak, primitive neanderthal-like ways of our past that are associated with rape, necrophilia, beastiality, pedophilia ect. but what really got me was when you began to talk about legalizing prostitution and marijuana. You speak of people having to evolve into more intelligent beings, yet you support the legalization of something that, short and long term, makes people become fucking retarded and unable to carry out the simplest tasks suck as reading. Weed is useless and so is prostitution. Yeah that's a good idea allowing women to sell their bodies and spread disease umong men and other women. What do you thing age laws are for? Don't complain about the media or video games causing crime because we tell parents to restrict their children from certain movies, games and books! Dont be pissed off at us and makers of hentai! Go complain to bad parents for allowing children to see how bad the world really is! You idiot! And the part about me calling you a hypocrite? because you look at the very hentai you criticize!!! That's why I'm saying go watch normal fucking porn where everything's crime free and maybe, just maybe then you can stop bothering all of us hentai lovers!
9 Jul 2012 00:33
"Yes Master"
"Yes Master"
anthony6666: welcome back Ellery (^-^)
8 Jul 2012 22:24
"Yes Master"
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan: We'rent you paying attention to anything i said ? I already described to you that i'm a Athiest, not a Theist. I believe the concept of God is bullshit and it has led to more evil in the world than any other crime. That was the past ,keyword past. I just love how you call me an hypocritical religious retard when you're the one justifying incest, something that is taught to kids in the form of Bible stories like Noah's ark and Adam and Eve. If anything this agurement fails even more in the context of modern society. Also i already addressed the other horrible hental within other sites and pointed out the hypocrisy of Hentai Key allowing incest here when it bans all the other horrible shit just as bad as incest. Maybe if you read what i wrote in context instead of using Ad Homerin attacks and pit me with the regiloustards, you would of understood my position. Incest is a crime punishable by most states in America though i strongly believe it should be a Federal Felony punishable up to 5 years in prison. It's a primitive act practiced by mostly weak minded and weak willed people who are uneducated and bonded to the shackles of Religion. Prostitution Also on the sidenote, i think Prostitution should be legalized as well as Marijuana, i'm in full support of a woman's right to choose ,therefore Pro Choice. Government should crack down on Religious institutions that exploit tax breaks and the government should strongly fund education programs . Sure Incest was paraticed back in ancient times,so was witch burning, sexism, human sacrifices and homophobia , you want to go back to those ancient times that's fine with me but i rather progress within a purely secular society that fights the ills of religion, one of them being incest.
8 Jul 2012 22:10
Erebasu: Same here
8 Jul 2012 21:53
"Yes Master"
"Yes Master"
Awesomesauce: We missed you Ellery!
8 Jul 2012 21:20
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
Awesomesauce: Go Hinamori... AGAIN XD
8 Jul 2012 21:17
"Yes Master"
"Yes Master"
kakakaka: this site will colapse ASAP.
8 Jul 2012 17:53