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"Yes Master"
Ellery. Robert left Bleachpixxx quite a while back.
9 Jul 2012 03:55
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
First of all, this "Atheist " isn't saying it's an irrefutable truth, i'm saying that it's an outdated concept that we should all evolve from it. Incest has no place in a secular society, that shit belongs in the dark ages like religion. It's simple, we don't need an Allah,Zesu, Jesus or Buddha to know what mortally is . Animals who don't even have the congtitvte process of knowing how to talk let of believing in any god have there own morals as seen with a school of piranhas. Piranhas act in groups and follow herd behavior and rarely attack each other but are vicious and brutal to anything they attack much like humans don't mind killing animals but find it morally wrong to kill each other. Incest is an primitive idea best left in the bronze age, it's a disgusting, embarrassing, immoral , unethical and dangerous act on par with rape and pedophila and is often associated with the two. That's a fact.
9 Jul 2012 02:51
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
First of all, legalizing prostitution won't spread STD's quite the opposite moron. Look at the STD rates in countries with legalized prostitution. They're much lower than countries that banned prostitution. For instance , the Untied States where prostitution is illegal has the largest STD rate within the western world as opposed to Netherlands which has one of the lowest STD rates within the western countries. Second, Marijuana helps with cancer treatment and i'll like you to tell a cancer patient just how useless it is . It's proven by science and many doctors that use ti to help save lives. My uncle was a cancer surivior and wouldn't of made it through without Stem Cells and Pot. Weed criminalization doesn't work,all it does is make criminals more money and leds to pointlessly waste taxpayers dollars. Also Alcohol and Prescription drugs do much more brain damage to people and causes more health and intelligence problems than even the lowest quality of pot and their legal . Wish to criminalize that ? Sorry i don't look at incest Hentai , never did and never will . Also i have no problem with hentai as long as it's nothing that is harmful or unlawful so i'm highly offended that you call me a hypocrite for wanting to get rid of a toxic aspect such as Incest Hentai. No, the hypocrite is you. You support Incest Hentai but i don't see you supporting Yaoi Hentai. Hell Hentai Key is the real hypocrites when it comes to policy . Incest is just as morally wrong as Bestiality and Loilcon yet that's not banned ? Yaoi is just as moral as Yuri yet it's banned ? Listen, i'm not for Yaoi but i find it extremely hypocritical of you to call me an hypocrite when you endorse Incest which is alot worse than Yaoi and i don't even like Yaoi yet you're against Yaoi. You have no right to lecture me on moral conviction when you're the one with the inconstent, rigid values.
9 Jul 2012 02:42
"Yes Master"
wait a minute how do we know you are actually Ellery? Question: what is your favorite candy?
9 Jul 2012 02:13
"Yes Master"
Rex made it where only members can comment on his pixxx.
9 Jul 2012 02:12
"Yes Master"
What's up with Naruto Pixxx? The comments are all screwed up and none of the new pixxx have tags :S
9 Jul 2012 01:50
"Yes Master"
It's immoral, not inmoral.
9 Jul 2012 01:47
"Better than your Sister"
yuzu is so hot and i wish to fuck her and her sister and we wont more photo about yuzu and karin
9 Jul 2012 01:34
"Yes Master"
9 Jul 2012 01:18
"Yes Master"
I´m just gonna say I can´t believe there has been such a huge ruckus over something so insignificant. I mean no one should have replied to The pissed off Bleach fan in the first place, It is really surprising that an ''atheist'' came here saying that incest is inmoral and people who enjoyed it are sick, and that this is an irrefutable truth. There's no such a thing as an absolute truth in this world and you who does not believe in a superior being should know it, I am just going to state it like this, how do we know what is truly good or truly bad, how do we know what is ''inmoral'' or not, there is no one that can dictate it as we are all the same, there is nothing written that define how everyone should live their lives and what should they like or not, I have always thought that everyone should live and enjoy their short existence in this world following what their heart says them, so if you feel that incest isn't right and is inmoral that's fine, that's your opinion my friend but don't go during your life trying to oppose your believes. I don't even want to believe you go around the internet ranting like you have done here when you see that someone likes something you dislike, as you will be a very sad and lame existence :) I'm so sorry Ellery for all this commotion, glad you are feeling better now
9 Jul 2012 01:10
"Yes Master"
Random dude on the internet:
Is it Ellery or Robert?
9 Jul 2012 00:50
"Yes Master"
Ok TPOBF I do agree on a lot of what you just said and yes I do believe religion (because of what it has made humans do in the past) is probably the worst thing we have ever created. Yes we need to evolve from our primitive behavior that took place so long ago, and yes my argument may have "failed in modern society", so now let me make a valid argument acceptable in modern society. I do believe that in order to advance in today's society we need to cut our ties from the weak, primitive neanderthal-like ways of our past that are associated with rape, necrophilia, beastiality, pedophilia ect. but what really got me was when you began to talk about legalizing prostitution and marijuana. You speak of people having to evolve into more intelligent beings, yet you support the legalization of something that, short and long term, makes people become fucking retarded and unable to carry out the simplest tasks suck as reading. Weed is useless and so is prostitution. Yeah that's a good idea allowing women to sell their bodies and spread disease umong men and other women. What do you thing age laws are for? Don't complain about the media or video games causing crime because we tell parents to restrict their children from certain movies, games and books! Dont be pissed off at us and makers of hentai! Go complain to bad parents for allowing children to see how bad the world really is! You idiot! And the part about me calling you a hypocrite? because you look at the very hentai you criticize!!! That's why I'm saying go watch normal fucking porn where everything's crime free and maybe, just maybe then you can stop bothering all of us hentai lovers!
9 Jul 2012 00:33
"Yes Master"
Just Saying:
I'm not prompting incest. However, we're all free to think, dream, fantasize and imagine. Granted, some fantasies, like fantasies about incest and such, are at least in my opinion, sick. Regardless, there's a big difference between fantasizing and actually striving to fulfill those fantasies. Now if someone wants to fantasize about incest, there isn't much anyone can do about it nor do I personally really care. However, if they want to, or in fact do, fulfill that fantasy, that's a whole different story. In my eyes it's despicable either way, but in the latter case, it's indeed a crime in many countries. But no normal person would get the idea in their head that, just because you see incest in porn/hentai, it's acceptable. That requires the person to have some serious issues or a very twisted idea of this society. In my opinion, if anything, both porn and hentai contribute to these fantasies staying within the internet and in the minds of these people, rather than being the cause of such cases in "real life".
9 Jul 2012 00:10
"Yes Master"
@Anon. After the first paragraph, sounds like you copied the rest from wikipedia. and it's no big deal. you people are making a big deal out of nothing and won't stop bitching and crying until hentaikey changes the rules to your satisfaction
8 Jul 2012 23:34
happy to see your still alive, and i hope you feel 100% soon
8 Jul 2012 23:32
"Yes Master"
As far as Video Games go, there's very little evidence connecting Video Games to actual crimes such as murder,.rape and theft. The Media that seems to advocate cirmes to some extent or influence crimes are typically within the right wing media. The Bible is also a prime cause for the justifications of murders, rapes and tefts as well as televangelism . Unforuneaetly i have no real solution to controlling these problems or preventing it, that is up to Hentai Key to prohibit stuff like incest which i hope they do. Also, i don't tolerate murder, terrorism, rape or theft , why should i tolerate incest ? Incest is universally immoral,even Atheist believe this is wrong on social, scientific and legal grounds. Incest is dangerous and would only cause real damage to families. Incest is considered a form of child sexual abuse that has been shown to be one of the most extreme forms of childhood abuse, often resulting in serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest. Children born of close incestous unions have greatly increased risk of death and disability at least in part due to genetic diseases caused by the inbreeding. By prompting Incest, you are doing real harm to the children of this country
8 Jul 2012 23:29
"Yes Master"
Just Saying:
Well I did say that they're terrible crimes, didn't I? And as far as comparing killing people to incest goes in how it appears in public media, yes it can be compared in this context as I didn't compare the acts themselves, but rather the idea you presented, that it shouldn't be allowed even in the public media. Killing someone is just as wrong as incest or any other crime of that level. As for it being "unneeded", of course it. So are murders, terrorism, rapes, assaults and many other things and if you have a solution to controlling the internet, I'm sure a lot of people would be glad to hear it. Sure, incest and anything involving it could be prevented to an extent, just like other crimes. However, preventing something like that completely is, well I dare not say impossible, but very complicated and difficult. And if you're ready to say that killing can't be fully controlled because there will basically always be someone with the intent to kill, the same applies to incest. No one can control the minds of every single person. Also, as for when you said that "there’s a growing connection between incest within the media and in real life", are you saying that there isn't such connection with killing? Because if so, that's an incredibly naive thought.
8 Jul 2012 22:47
"Yes Master"
Well I did say that they're terrible crimes, didn't I? And as far as comparing killing people to incest as in how it appears in public media, yes it can be compared in this context as I didn't compare the acts themselves, but rather the idea you presented, that it shouldn't be allowed even in the public media. Killing someone is just as wrong as incest or any other crime of that level. As for it being "unneeded", of course it. So are murders, terrorism, rapes, assaults and many other things and if you have a solution to controlling the internet, I'm sure a lot of people would be glad to hear it. Sure, incest and anything involving it could be prevented to an extent, just like other crimes. However, preventing something like that completely is, well I dare not say impossible, but very complicated and difficult. And if you're ready to say that killing can't be fully controlled because there will basically always be someone with the intent to kill, the same applies to incest. No one can control the minds of every single person. Also, as for when you said that "there’s a growing connection between incest within the media and in real life", are you saying that there isn't such connection with killing? Because if so, that's an incredibly naive thought.
8 Jul 2012 22:44
"Yes Master"
welcome back Ellery (^-^)
8 Jul 2012 22:24
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
Killing people in manga and games rarely ever resorts to actual murders whereas there's a growing connection between incest within the media and in real life, big difference that can't be compared. Incest isn't morally questionable , it's flat out wrong and unneeded within modern Society and can be prevented. Murder could be controlled if we take measures to prevent the conditions to reduce it and sad to say but killing is inevitable in any society for there's going to always be at least one sociopath fueled wit anger and rage out of some preceived injustice . Incest can't be compared to murder or killing because it's something the majority of the people on this planet have outgrow entirely however if you push a person enough, they would be dirven to kill.
8 Jul 2012 22:19
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
We'rent you paying attention to anything i said ? I already described to you that i'm a Athiest, not a Theist. I believe the concept of God is bullshit and it has led to more evil in the world than any other crime. That was the past ,keyword past. I just love how you call me an hypocritical religious retard when you're the one justifying incest, something that is taught to kids in the form of Bible stories like Noah's ark and Adam and Eve. If anything this agurement fails even more in the context of modern society. Also i already addressed the other horrible hental within other sites and pointed out the hypocrisy of Hentai Key allowing incest here when it bans all the other horrible shit just as bad as incest. Maybe if you read what i wrote in context instead of using Ad Homerin attacks and pit me with the regiloustards, you would of understood my position. Incest is a crime punishable by most states in America though i strongly believe it should be a Federal Felony punishable up to 5 years in prison. It's a primitive act practiced by mostly weak minded and weak willed people who are uneducated and bonded to the shackles of Religion. Prostitution Also on the sidenote, i think Prostitution should be legalized as well as Marijuana, i'm in full support of a woman's right to choose ,therefore Pro Choice. Government should crack down on Religious institutions that exploit tax breaks and the government should strongly fund education programs . Sure Incest was paraticed back in ancient times,so was witch burning, sexism, human sacrifices and homophobia , you want to go back to those ancient times that's fine with me but i rather progress within a purely secular society that fights the ills of religion, one of them being incest.
8 Jul 2012 22:10
I agree with everything AxL said even if there arent any new drawings we'll (as in true Ellery's drawings fans) be here for when you come back
8 Jul 2012 21:59
"Yes Master"
Bickering about Incest in hentai @ Bleachpixx.Take it elsewhere you're just annoying everyone and I'm sure Ellery herself isn't amused by such comments either. Seriously she just came back from being sick and among the first thing she sees are guys argueing about such a topic.Gosh. Just enjoy her work.If you don't like a request don't even mind it.How old are ya's 13? Anyway: Glad Ellery is back and healthy. If you read this Ellery: Don't mind these fools and thanks for your hard work despite just getting outta hospital.Don't strain yourself.
8 Jul 2012 21:58
"Yes Master"
Just Saying:
@The pissed of Bleach fan Before I say anything else, I have to say that I completely agree with you on the fact that incest, rape, necrophilia and pedophilia are terrible crimes. I find them to be some of the most disgusting things any human can do. But saying that drawing pictures of incest, rape etc. is wrong or unacceptable isn't technically valid, since drawn pictures aren't real and laws do not abide to imaginary comic book/manga characters. However, you're obviously entitled to an opinion, I'm not trying to dispute that. Regardless, with that mentality you could just as well say that there should be no games, TV shows, comics/manga, movies or any of the sort with killing people because killing a human being is an immoral as well as a crime. Every normal human being understands the difference between right and wrong, which is why we shouldn't have to ban everything that is morally questionable from TV or the internet. Also, if someone finds themselves to be mature enough to watch porn/hentai, surely they should be able to tell the difference between right and wrong.
8 Jul 2012 21:56
Same here
8 Jul 2012 21:53
So you think you can draw better? Ok I'm not doubting you but I want to see your work. Where may I see this Astonishing Artwork thats better than Ellery's? I see some pretty good artwork but Ellery's is practically perfect! Prove your better than Ellery!
8 Jul 2012 21:52
Elllery! Finally!!! I don't care if you don't draw anything for a year I'll still be visiting this site everyday! xD I'm gonna get an account here sooooon!Keep up your Amazing artwork! And F*CK the people that think you need to draw better because I don't see any artwork as Spectacular as yours!
8 Jul 2012 21:49
"Yes Master"
once again, it's no big deal. you don't make the rules, you don't pay the bills. and if you think incest hentai is wrong then go somewhere else. just don't give it any thought. if it bothers you so much, here's an idea. click the back arrow and go somewhere else. if you don't want to see incest then become a member and request other pairings
8 Jul 2012 21:47
"Yes Master"
Hinamori I gotta say man I always agree with what you have to say and you never troll. On top of that you seem like a decent, educated guy who has good taste in Hentai. Plus you're probably a fan of Naruto judging by your name so you sir are now my favorite person on this site ^_^ (god of peace being second)
8 Jul 2012 21:44
"Yes Master"
When I saw you on the dance floor And imagine your big dick I became a dirty cheap whore Now I want your ass to lick Sorry for my english language It's not matter but your ass Looks like tasty-tasty sandwich So let's fuck without a rest Hey, boy, be my sexy lover You are hot like Young Kirkorov And together we must try Bring to my ass some creampie Hey, boy, be my sexy lover You are hot like Young Kirkorov And together we must try Bring to my ass some creampie
8 Jul 2012 21:41
"Yes Master"
Ugh hey do you read what you type before you post it? You're not too smart, are you? I'm not saying you ARE, but you're PROBABLY one of those religious, hypocritical retards who believes that god made everyone. Incest is what started humanity and it's what made you idiot. Humans had to resort to incest in the past in order to SURVIVE. You would fucking DIE if you saw the other fucked up hentai that I've seen on the net if you're complaining about some measly incest. And wtf is this about being criminal? If both people involved in the act of incest are above 18, where is the criminal behavior? Oh big deal they came from the same mother or have the same father but they're both perfectly normal, of age human beings. I understand that pedophilia, beastiality ect. are in fact wrong but even though some would find invest to be morally wrong others fantasize about it and there's nothing wrong with it ok? So fuck off and go preach somewhere else or go watch normal porn -_-
8 Jul 2012 21:36
"Yes Master"
We missed you Ellery!
8 Jul 2012 21:20
"Orihime's Secret Hook-ups"
Go Hinamori... AGAIN XD
8 Jul 2012 21:17
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
So basically it endorse Rape, Incest, Murder, Besitaity , Pedophilla and Nercophila ? I don't accept that Hentai. I only accept pure Hentai that doesn't contain any of that immoral, unlawful and sexually destructive shit
8 Jul 2012 21:10
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
Well Hentai is basically that like porn only with Anime/Manga characters and it can still be enjoyable if we put bans on Incest. After all Hentai Key has already banned the depiction of Bestiality, rape, Guro and Pedophila(Loilcon, Shota) and those are all just as bad as incest really, why is incest the great exception to this rule ? This sites rules are too rigid and to fix it , it should include the ban on incest . Porn is already regulated, why shouldn't Hentai ? I apologize though if it seemed if i was insulting Ellery. I actually greatly respect her work but i can't understand why would she do something like incest nor why Hentai Key would allow that out of all the other things they ban. I still remain feverishly opposed to Incest and still remain opposed . It's immoral and sorry if you don't want to hear the truth that you have some mental problems from watching a brother fuck their sister, it's fact
8 Jul 2012 20:56
"Yes Master"
Then mate, I'm afraid Hentai isn't for you, if you don't have the stomach for these things. Just go & watch porn or anything like that, but don't insult ppl who loves it and ESPECIALLY don't insult Ellery. Most of these pictures are requests so she has nothing to do with it, but even if she does; it's her right to fantasize about anything. And the same goes for us; is it hurts ANYONE if someone fantasize about incest among fictional characters? I don't think it is... If you don't like it just simply skip these pictures and that's all. Everyone will be happy.
8 Jul 2012 20:47
all i heard from you was "i suck cock"
8 Jul 2012 20:42
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
Hinamori@ No big deal ? It sets a bad perception that Hentai Key prefers incest over homosexuality which is vastly hypercritical. I'm no homosexual myself nor would i ever watch Yaoi but i do find it a bit hypocritical if you allow Incest under the agurement it causes no harm to anyone but not Yaoi but that's aside the point. Incest unlike Yaoi is a harmful human sexual act often associated with molestation , there is no defense for this crime to be made. These incest pictures while not real incest are failcating, condoning or endorsing the idea of incest and it makes me sick . Hinamori, you seem to be one of the smarter people her and i agree with almost everything you had said the last few days but i have to say that defending incest is where i draw the line.
8 Jul 2012 20:41
It's cool, at least you're feeling better.
8 Jul 2012 20:37
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
jacketguy @ Incest is a primitive cultural act not fit for a secular society . It's a primitive act just like Religion. Also forcing women to be second class citizens and not allowing them to drive is okay in some countries, does that it make it right ? There was a point where rape and homophoiba was accepatable at one point of life as well as Racism but we mostly evolved from that mentality, why not evolve from Incest ? Also you seem to give enough of a fuck to reply to me. Well that's highly unlikely going to happen, trust me if my mother had Megan Fox, my family would be much richer and i wouldn't be a middle class American Citizen but at least among the 1% .Though i do get were your coming from but what are the chances that you have a crush or a lover and down the line turns out to be your distant cousin ? I'm a highly intellectual Atheist African American who disapproves of every immortal act from primitive religions, one of them being Incest. I'm new to this site, your right here but i'm not new to the Hentai world. 98% of the Hentai outside Hentai Key is virtually unreadable or unwatchable because of the nasty immoral and criminal things that go within that. I like this website alot but it does have a disturbing amount of incestuous porn. Ellery is a very talented and well respected artist and i'm glad to have her back here but i wonder why she would waste time appeasing the incest lobby of this site
8 Jul 2012 20:33
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
holy shit@ It shouldn't be allowed period. How is it hypocrisy to oppose incest ? You guys are the hypocrites here who oppose Yaoi which isn't a violation on one's moral or physical being but support sexual acts with family members, also i'm opposed to all forms of incest, you're right thought, this is the first time i went to this site and while it has plenty of great pictures, it's ridden with the savagery of incest .
8 Jul 2012 20:18
learn how to draw boobs, ellery. I'm serious. the nipples are almost always wrong or changing sizes even though it's the same color. this is coming from a real artist. so i suggest you listen. consistency in the design of characters is one of the most important things you can keep in mind.
8 Jul 2012 20:02
"Yes Master"
You're right, I didn't pay attention to who you replied to. My bad. BUUUT, seriously. Because I defend incest then I'd fuck my sister ? ! Haha, first off how the fuck am I defending it ? Hmm ? Did I ever say that ? No so cross that out. In other cultures, incest isn't a problem. So get it out of your mind that everyone has the same ideals. I don't have a problem with incest as long as it has nothing to do with me or someone getting raped (by force or statutory). This is why I can watch shows like KissxSis and lmao. On this site, you're a nobody. Actually that was a bit harsh. You're just a few words that are encoded into text that are seen and decoded by everyone here. So nobody really gives a fuck. Hell, I give not one fuck nor two. Now I'm gonna leave you with something, I want you to imagine Megan Fox is at your doorstep butt-ass naked and ready to get down and dirty. You two start going at it and all of a sudden you get a call from your oddly sober father. He says "Great news son ! It turns out that I am the father, of Megan Fox that is. Yeah I went on Jerry Spinger yesterday and, well yeah. Bye." Hmm now that's gotta suck. And yes I'm a dumb mutherfucker, but I'm worried about what you are.
8 Jul 2012 19:47
but Ellery i posted a little idea i had in your other Here here post. Just something small, i was thinking that whenever you make one of those announcements you could have a version of your here here picture but wearing a nurses outfit and a thermometer in her mouth (for when your sick) or if your going away (like on vacation or something) you could have the picture wearing tropical looking clothes, sunglasses and holding a suitcase
8 Jul 2012 19:16
"Yes Master"
you would only be able to request that if you were a member, and even so I don't think she would draw it. usually with pixxx sites your more likely to have your request made if it's only 1-2 people
8 Jul 2012 19:06
"Yes Master"
dude it's no big deal. your being a fucking baby and starting shit for no reason. It's just a drawn image of fictional characters. It's not like she's posting pictures of real people doing incest. you seriously get offended so easily. calm your tits. besides i have a little girl and my 14yo sis lives with me. do i think about fucking them? no for a few reasons. one, im not interested. two, i don't feel like going to jail. three, i would never hurt my sis since our step-dad used to do "things" with her years back when she lived with them. and claiming that you're better than people on a hentai site really doesn't mean shit
8 Jul 2012 19:04
"Yes Master"
holy shit:
Well mister, if be honest hentai also is immoral and wrong too. you don't find? So I can't understand why so right moral person like you came here? Incest is criminal only when is it the rape or abuse in many countries are allowing the marriage between cousins so incest is a immoral a disgusting a wrong but it's not criminal acts. The real criminal acts is a rape abuse violence but all artists are free to draw the such stuff and it's absolutely don't cares you So stop this this moral pathos speech because all this is simple hypocrisy. Something don't like you and you try to impose your opinion all around and make people do what you want. As for me you are just another crazy fanboy what very deep stuck with some anime and now find the some characters from anime as the own family members, because you very pissed about only Kurosaki family incest
8 Jul 2012 18:50
"Yes Master"
I'm pretty sure most of the demand stems from the very fact that such fetishes *are* illegal in real life. People always crave what they can't (or shouldn't) have on a primal level.
8 Jul 2012 18:43
You had us worried. But I'm glad you're healthy again. Welcome Back, Ellery!
8 Jul 2012 18:43
"Yes Master"
please make a picture with Rukia and Ururu.
8 Jul 2012 18:31
"Yes Master"
I guess you have a point, i got caught up in the moment that i didn't realize the problems there. Guess it would just be either Unohana or Isane then. There's not enough of the two on this site
8 Jul 2012 18:27
"Yes Master"
Ellery, please make picture with apacci, fucked by Aizen, while he keep her in the air.
8 Jul 2012 18:27
"Yes Master"
Are you crazy ?! How can it be draw ? There is no place for that. Or we will not seeing anything with that many people.
8 Jul 2012 18:18
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
Not talking about this pic moron, i'm talking about the request of an Ichigo/Karin/Yuzu threesome called Sibling Love pt2 . Also i bet you fuck your own sister given your a defender of incest. Also who the fuck am i ? I'm better than bottomfeeders like you .Also it would help to read the comments before commenting and relying dumbass because you think i was talking about IsshinxOrihime, you're an even dumber motherfukcer than i thought.
8 Jul 2012 18:16
"Yes Master"
How in the holy hell is this incest ? Just leave this pic, no better yet this site so we don't have to hear your dumbass comments. And how dare you say "she's better than that." WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU ? ! Anyway, great pic Ellery. Nice to see you back. We were all worried about you (well except the ones who are asking for a new pic instead of your well being), lol jk :p
8 Jul 2012 18:01
"Yes Master"
this site will colapse ASAP.
8 Jul 2012 17:53
awesome ur back!!! sorry about the fever and hope you keep getting better and take it easy for a few days xD
8 Jul 2012 17:49
this site became victim of trollfag.
8 Jul 2012 17:49
"Yes Master"
The pissed off bleach fan:
Incest is criminal behavior, it's morally and biologically wrong and not to mention the acceptance of Incest on this site is vastly hypocritical. I'm no Yaoi fanboy nor do i even like Yaoi but how is it that incest is okay but Yaoi isn't especially if Incest is much worse than Yaoi ? I'm no stranger to Hentai and sadly Hentai appeals to every fetish. Bestiality, Pedophila, Guro, Rape and Necrophilia as well as Incest is criminal acts and should be treated as such, i don't see why Hentai promotes such disgusting, unlawful and dangerous practices in general and i'm even more disgusted by the sick , polluted minds who fap to shit like that. I'm okay with Hentai as long as it depicts heavy, consenting adults to do whatever provided it doesn't violate nature, health or the free will of an individual . I have great respect to artist like Ellery but i don;t understand why there's such a high demand for something as universally immoral as Incest .
8 Jul 2012 17:48
"Yes Master"
You must be new to hentai, guy. It caters to pretty much every kind of fetish imaginable.
8 Jul 2012 17:13
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Renchi, it's not too late to work on new year request? Just making sure
23 Jan 2025 04:50
Martin Cervantes Carrillo:
more bambietta,pls :)
16 Jan 2025 02:07
Hi Shiva good job 👌
1 Jan 2025 20:39
Nice work, Joeh!
24 Dec 2024 02:53
Thanks Renchi! Keep it up!
24 Dec 2024 02:52
Hey konan541 today you posted 5 requests in 5 sites, tell us your secret because we can post only 1 request by month and only in 1 site
2 Dec 2024 00:20
Thank you Rex, Good Job
27 Nov 2024 12:54
No worries, I would like to maintain my Halloween request as late post. I can wait until you finished older requests.
15 Nov 2024 16:18
Hi! Yes, it’s still up to you if you want to submit a new request or maintain this one for a late Halloween post. I apologize for the delay, but I must prioritize the oldest requests first. Thank you (...)
15 Nov 2024 15:17
If not, let me know when you reply.
12 Nov 2024 20:01
See all