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"Looking for a new Wife"
Members pay for *access* to the premium features of the site, such as high-res versions of the images posted here and the ability to request images, which they still have and are able to do. Not the right to demand anything from the artist(s) that is drawing those images. New pics come at the discretion of the artist drawing them, and if they are *unable* to draw for whatever reason, paying members have to deal with that just like anyone else does.
Ellery has been a fantastic artist for as long as she's been here, and no doubt longer (no idea what or where she drew before this), and she's been INFINITELY better than the last scrub who "drew" pics for this site. What happens the first time something occurs that sidelines her, even threatening her health, however? The trolls come flocking to moan and complain rather than show any kind of support. I agree that it would be nice for Ellery or Hentaikey to update her status rather than just leave us with silence for a week or more, but its up to them to actually do it if they (ie. Ellery) are even able to.
If paying members are so unsatisfied with the service being provided, they have every right cancel their subscription and stop paying, and forfeit their access to the premium site-features that they still have. Otherwise, they can just enjoy the excellent pictures that have already been provided until Ellery gets better and can draw more.
And maybe some of the other complainers can also SHOW SOME GODDAMN APPRECIATION for a change!
(Note: This is not in reply to you, specifically, Ero-kevin, just a response to you're "2." point in general.
"Looking for a new Wife"
1.Rex is better and his creepy quality pic prove it as well, and it's not so hard to support the quality if making mostly very simply pics, using one and the same bacground many times, making many solo pics, making one pic per few days, etc.
2. the members pay for pics, not for Nothing. Funny but that's and is of one rex rules. A lot narutopixxx members paying for nothing, undying ignore and creepy updating raiting.
3. Rex every month drawn several pics for catch up and in result another big break and another big problems with daily updates and month quota, not matter sick his or not
And about respect and lie. Ok can you explain why during almost all month rex's limit is the one pic per few days, and he tell what he doing everything to keep up with the pace and then in the latest days of month he suddenly begins to make few pics per one day, it's fucking strange, maybe some one lazy artist just don't normal work, just lie to everyone here about and waiting to the latest days of month and only then start to make a lot very simple pics and linearts. It's is the much easier to do, then make requests from members during all month.
By the way when Ellery is healthy she never have so many problems with updates like rex have every month, Ellery don't ignore or avoid to make lesbian or threesome requests when rex do, on the bleachpixxx I never was seen what members here complain what they are wait more than year, when narutopixxx some members already complains about two years waiting
Don't need talk about respect, lie and laziness here when exist some sites where situation is much more worse but there you can't talk about such stuff because some lazy artist are censoring every comments there, and the truth is the nothing more than trolling
"Looking for a new Wife"
Phillipe Madique:
Attention to all of the trolling fags in the world who jack off to their own comments shooting around the place, firing off big hot jets of troll foam:
1. Ellery is a freaking epic artist, much better than rex or any other artist on any pixxx site in the history of hentaikey. Not only that, but ( if i am not mistaken) she has posted more pics than rex, in a shorter amount of time. Great job, Ellery.
2. Ellery recently suffered from Dengue Fever, and may have been going against doctors orders by drawing all those recent pics, so, you know, what if WE'RE responsible for this. The very fact that she managed to get up and draw these last ten or so pics is amazing, so just try to act grateful. Consider this, we could have just been stuck with rex ( not that rex is terrible, but...)
3. Fake Erabasu, just... I mean... really? What are we, 12 now? Stealing peoples names and posting rather improper ( giggle) comments. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if I was addressing one troll fag at this moment rather 10 or so. Are you also the fake Hinamori? No reply? I'm not surprised.
4. Hentaikey will live fo evar! That includes all pixxx sites! No exceptions!