I, might consider in radergs to those I do respect in the industry, it's because I know them. I know their preferences, dislikes and hobby horses. So I can be a bit more discerning when reading their review. That's something that obviously isn't practical when reading the masses of online reviews. I guess there is a place for this type of review, but it annoys me how much weight they carry to the general public, whether intentional or not.There was a chat a few months back where I was happy to...
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do some reviews. It was called, Review the Reviewer . To basically make those who are giving the reviews accountable for the comments they make. This proved to upset a few people, namingly companies who make a business of compiling cafe reviews etc. Mainly cos most of their reviewers are just your average punter who think they have more credibility than they actually do. None are Q-graders, work as quality control for coffee roasters, have passed sensory examinations etc. Not that this is a prerequisite for reviewing, but it does add some sort of credibility to their statements. I guess a personal reason for not reviewing, besides the reasons already given, I have a lot of friends in the industry. I have friends who work for coffee joints that I prefer to drink a bottle of water at than their coffee out of fear of stripping my palate. I value their friendship over my integrity of remaining objective should I have to review them. When it comes down to it, if I like something and 99% of people don't, I don't care; more for me :o)
27 Jun 2012 12:58
there are so many pics where aien fucks yuzu, but this pictures great
22 Jun 2012 07:59
You must go suck a dick! And get banned son of a bitch!
5 Jun 2012 05:34
@XDRAKE: Shut up jerk! get a life and get of of here forever. You infect the pixxx sites.
4 Jun 2012 20:32
Thank you very very much Ellery for make my last request in this site,Thanks for everything and no matter what they say all these nerds only use this user name I know and that's enough, continue doing a good job and I hope very soon again become a member, thanks again girl
4 Jun 2012 05:32
make me laugh all the complaining in particular that bitch @ someone is complaining entertain me bitch, who will be the clown who does not have the balls to bring its real nickname
4 Jun 2012 05:29
What a hot number!!!!
29 May 2012 05:21
Im #69. :D
29 May 2012 04:55
Ellery, you shold do a lesbian pic of Rangiku and Isane, that will be really nice. Or do one with Nozumi with Orihime, that would be hot.
29 May 2012 04:54
Do you wanna say what hentaikey.com needs find new artist for animepixxx? What are you talking about? Hentaikey.com even doesn’t have enough money to find a new artist for the Fairytailpixxx
28 May 2012 09:53
Justice hammer:
Thats funny, what kind of stupid hentai company would hire an artist that only draws one picture a week? there's this company with artist A and artist B, artist A draws 1 pic a week while artist b draws 4-5 pics a week (pretend they have the same drawing skills) and they get paid the same. Now the company doesn't have enough money to keep two artist at once so they decide to fire one. Which one will they fire? Obviously artist a. I wrote this to tell u if u want to get paid u work hard for it, d...
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o u actually think he's gonna get paid anyways no matter how many pics he chooses to draw? If the world is actually like that u will see a hobo making the same money as Bill Gates.
28 May 2012 08:42
A few things,if you're a non-member the b-day thing will never work. and two if you are a member if your lucky you'll have a 5% chance of her doing your pic soon because your b-day.
but seeing as your posting this request in the comments instead of the box you're not a member and will never get this request
28 May 2012 07:23
Guys, c'mon, enough complaints it's nothing will change, You're members and you're paying and doesn't matter you satisfied or not, artists keep getting your money even if he will be draw only one pic on week and rex know it as well! Why should hard work and draw 25-30 pics in mounth if can make only 20-15 pics per month and gets for this the same money, He is not lazy, he just smarter than this. But someone could to call this the disrespect to members and others artists and they will be absolute...
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ly right. With linearts a bit different story: He do them in the last day of month like he trying to show what he doing his best to support his and hentaikey paing him, he gets cash and that's all, all unfinished pics not interesting him anymore and now he can finish them or just delete, how he wish.
I think everything will change when hentaikey start to pay artists only for completed pics but not a fixed amount every month but in this moment the some artist continue abuse this
28 May 2012 06:40
Hello Ellery :) I Got A Request For You Because It's My Birthday So I Hope You Could Make A Pic Of One Of These Girls (Riruka, Oriheme, Karin, Momo, Tobiume, Sode No Shirayuki) In Doggy Pose :) I'll Be Very happy If You Could Make It :) Have A Nice Day ;0
28 May 2012 05:43
True that:
Glad someone else saw that. Often times with those last minute drawings he still doesn't come remotely close to his promised monthly quota.
28 May 2012 01:48
Justice hammer:
Btw those pics are usually single and simple. He even disabled comments for those pics to prevent people from pointing that stuff out
28 May 2012 00:22
Justice hammer:
If u guys Haven't noticed. Rex usually draws around 4-5 uncolored pics at the end of the month to make it up for his laziness and never finishes coloring them and sometimes even deletes them so people would soon forget. This is the solid proof that hes not drawing pictures for us members to be happy but instead for his own satisfaction and most of all so that he can pass the 20+ images per month so nobody would point out this stuff and he gets the money in his pocket .
28 May 2012 00:15
Vish agora tão usando meu nick......
27 May 2012 20:44
Updates please!!!
27 May 2012 20:31
The suggestion box on Narutopixxx was transformed into lottery now, thanks rex's method work, and haven't any guarantee what your request will be done no matter how long you're support membership and this is a main reason why so many members "trolling" him but he's really awesome artist
About Claudius as for me this is a big mistery how this guy got work on hentaikey, this artist not can't support a daily update anyway but his skills it's something special, On rule34 or hentai-found...
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ry is a lot good artists who's drawing way better than he though they are needs few days to do one pic but Claudius also needs few days to one pic I can't understand why hentaikey paying this mediocre artist if in the i'net exist so many others artists who make commisions arts and has much more better skills than Claudius have
27 May 2012 19:47
Lol are you kidding me about Claudius? Claudius deletes any comments that even mention that he copied and pasted from an earlier pic (he does that very often btw) and says "Stupid and Offensive comments are not allowed", "Trolling is not allowed". The fact that he even copies his earlier pics in the first place makes him lazy enough, but deleting comments that call him out just shows how much of a coward he is. Sometimes he makes good pics (especially the Fairy Tail ones) but that's not enough t...
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o redeem himself. At least when it comes to Rex, we can almost always be guaranteed a great pic from him, no matter how long it takes and no matter how much of an ass he is. My point is that Claudius is easily the worst, then its Rex.
27 May 2012 18:46
Justice hammer:
Ellery is the best artist in hentai key IMO. Not only does she draw beautiful works, she treats all the members equally and fairly.
27 May 2012 14:04
Easy guys, Rex is just human after all, and make new pic every day is really incredibly hard for every artist not only for rex, but his latest slow updates is like the some bad joke and deleting comments and giving the shit to people especially to members, only because they are asking him about the slow update, is too much.
27 May 2012 13:22
Agreed with all
That would be a blessing from heaven if Ellery start to work with Narutopixxx but not this lazy jerk but this is impossible and that is sucks, but however thanks so much what Ellery keep it up great pics and hard working with our requests
27 May 2012 12:55
Ino's Body:
"I’m having a hard time keeping up with as i submit over 30 pinups per month."
Actually, Rex says otherwise in his About Me. This is his claim word for word towards the bottom of the page. Go see for yourself.
And call me crazy, but when it says "ALL ORIGINAL ARTWORK UPDATE DAILY" in bold orange at the top of the Narutopixxx page, the general consensus is that artwork is supposed to be updated daily. Is it not?
27 May 2012 12:39
Ino's Body:
Hahaha this made me laugh so hard.
Everything that has been said about Rex and Narutopixxx is absolutely true. I've unconditionally supported and praised his artwork for months, and after asking an honest question of what happened to the promised "30+ pictures a month" (Hasn't made 30 in at least 4 months, last one being 22 and currently 13 for May) and empathizing with member's frustrations of most requests not being made/getting almost weekly updates instead of daily, I've been IP banned fr...
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om posting at the site. Apparently I'm a banned troll for politely stating the facts. So this is how he treats his fan base....the truth is all of us, especially his members, are getting stabbed in the back.
Beautiful pictures, but horrible service from a small-minded person. I'm glad there are other Pixxx artists here like Ellery that actually care about fulfilling their promises and satisfying their members.
27 May 2012 12:29
Well done said, rex really haven't any respect to members and not only
27 May 2012 06:51
I agree with it, rex is great as artist but as person he is a trash. Interesting how many yet members gonna get kick in the nuts from him ?
27 May 2012 06:10
It is well told! Many participants I consider that their tastes and opinion above the others. And if don't draw their favourite characters, start to be indignant. There is no tragedy that not always draw that that is pleasant to you. It is necessary to understand that someone likes this connection.
I don't know as demands are selected, but I think Ellery it seems to know better as how to draw.
27 May 2012 05:42
Get off Ellery's back people be thankful she does this at all. I don't like people getting angry at others, just because they do something they don't like. The drawing was awesome, not a fan of Aizen, but it doesn't really matter it's still very erotic.
27 May 2012 04:59
Business of tastes. Karin is pleasant to me only with Toshiro and Jinta, in other cases to me is interesting to Yuzu.
And concerning Aizen, I already gave an example that not too there is a lot of it.
And why many here consider, what only one person orders Yuzu and Aizen? Can such much more and they have the right to receiving the inquiry, unless isn't present?
Too some characters aren't interesting to me, but I don't write that they don't need to be drawn and especially to ignore inquiries w...
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ith them.
In few months I wouldn't refuse to see again Yuzu even if it again will be with Aizen.
27 May 2012 03:23
27 May 2012 01:41
This 100%
27 May 2012 01:40
Please, Orihime with her boyfriend (Ichigo) :)
27 May 2012 01:39
Lay off of Ellery. She is just doing her job and trying to draw every single request despite the fact that one member is abusing the requests. Take your anger out on the member with many names and not on Ellery. The member who requested this has caused problems on the other pixxx sites as well. I think the member should be banned and then we all just move on. I love Ellery's art and Bleachpixxx is my favorite site to visit.
27 May 2012 00:28
Your list is full of preferences, you don´t balance nothing you use the same characters. Explain us how do you manage your LIST.
26 May 2012 23:56
What's so special about Aizen anyway?? I dont get it, and I never like him that much. Plus, why havent we see Karin lately? Is she not that hotter than Yuzu? I found her SUPER HOT!
26 May 2012 23:49
I understand that Yuzu is popular, but why is no one requesting Karin? Who, to be honest, I find personally thousands of times more attractive than Yuzu.
26 May 2012 22:44
Oh well, seems rex got a new hater, them getting more and more but this is only rex's fault
26 May 2012 21:09
OK everyone stop with the arguing of these pictures. People can request whatever they want and Ellery is nice enough to draw them. I don't care what characters she uses as long as I can see a new pic every other day, so if she stoopped drawing then we wouldn't be complaining about anything.
26 May 2012 20:33
We must seize the other images while our application is not made. If I have seen and has many applications in the suggestion box.
The image is very good, but we must have patience.
26 May 2012 20:05
I agree with that dude anonymous about her mainly doing one guys requests, and that she should give other people a chance, but we should still thank Ellery for taking time to draw pictures for this site. She could be worse and be like Rex.
But I still prefer Claudius over the other pixxx guys. His art may not be as great as Ellery's, but he's much more open with members and talks to them, instead of a very rare occasion when ellery talks to us
26 May 2012 19:18
@Ellery: So you finallly give an answer, don´t tell me about a list because you don´t respect any order, you make some request in few weeks and other requests in months. I am sure you have better requests "In front of your list" You say: "Mix the things up" but you make the same request and even with the same title, and please don´t use the word unfair because you are being unfair making a lot of requests from this guy while there are other members waiting months. So please change the way you ch...
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choose the upcoming requests. Thanks.
26 May 2012 18:58
Hidan is right! rex not only are provide a shitty service, he also offends members and me very wondering why hentaikey.com blind eye to such actions of the artist
26 May 2012 18:56
Anonymous mEMBER:
@Hidan it's was objective and fair review Narutopixxx what I have read ever. People really need to know truth about one of the most popular pixxx-site
26 May 2012 17:17
You have more of Mizuho
26 May 2012 16:21
Just wanted to add just because it says daily update doesn't mean they have to post 30 a month. There quota is 25 and they don't have to post them everyday, just by the end of the month