Home Artists Joe Spill It On Tier (Edited)

Spill It On Tier (Edited)

Tags: Bukkake, Tier Harribel, Beach Bitch, Summer, Beach,

4 May 2015
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  • joe: It's not really a huge difference, I agree. I just changed the smiling expression with a more serious one, is all.
    8 May 2015 17:35
  • someguy: i am not trying to be mean, but is this some kind of a "spot the difference" game? XD It really does not look all that different to me, but maybe it's just me ^_^ although, i think you're getting better at drawing, keep up the good work ^_^
    5 May 2015 17:42
  • joe: You could be right. It could use more practice.
    5 May 2015 17:30
  • Celto: To be honest, it really doesn't look any different to the original version. Even by changing the eyes, her face still has that "Out of character" feel to it. I think out of all the Bleach girls that you draw, you struggle to get Tier's cool and collected expressions on point.
    4 May 2015 21:38