Home Artists Joe Once you go black...

Once you go black...

Tags: Doggy Style, Orihime Inoue,

16 May 2014
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  • SJ7: I don't care if you're a troll or not. You are the type of person that needs to keep your preferences to yourself if you can't accept that everyone else has preferences as well. You aren't in any position to tell Joe what type of images you would "appreciate" him drawing. Adding quotation marks around "people" doesn't help your case, either. What an ignoramus.
    19 May 2014 02:42
  • joe: XD
    17 May 2014 03:10
  • joe: It's a request as stated on the description. Nothing you or me can do about it. Besides, we don't really entertain racism here. That kind of behavior is preferred to be way away from here.
    17 May 2014 03:08
  • racist obama: joe, i would appreciate it if you wouldn't draw black "people" doing it
    16 May 2014 23:19
  • HEF: nice, now your drawings are very good Joe
    16 May 2014 12:14
  • Mystogan: U messed up her face in this one.
    16 May 2014 07:27