Home Artists Joe Anallancar pt. 2

Anallancar pt. 2

Tags: Anal, Cirucci Sanderwicci,

5 June 2014
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  • joe: Thanks. I appreciate that.
    6 Jun 2014 21:28
  • joe: This was a pretty challenging pose for me. When you say shape/style of her vagina, what exactly do you mean? It would be great if you can reference some pictures for Lexus and me to refer to. Sorry, before bleachpixxx I never really drew genitals aside from the occasional doodle. Haha! And even now, the only time I draw those is for bleachpixxx. Outside of this blog, I draw entirely different stuff. :)
    6 Jun 2014 21:28
  • joe: Glad you liked it. I felt like there was still a few more I can do with the pic but glad you liked it anyway. XD
    6 Jun 2014 21:22
  • Stalker: Joe you impressed me so much Gorgeous unmatched great picture Thanks so much for this one
    5 Jun 2014 20:05
  • Xeos: I love positions like this where the girls boobs just dangle upside down like that. My only criticism for this image is her vagina, i think like Lexus, you need to try different shapes and style that you draw it. 9/10 for this one.
    5 Jun 2014 18:26
  • hatake: This probably is the best one you've done so far, at first I thought it was one of Lexus'
    5 Jun 2014 17:53